REFEREED PUBLICATIONS (* = undergraduate student author)
Roddy A, Brodersen C, Dawson T (2016) Hydraulic conductance and the maintenance of water balance in flowers. Plant, Cell & Environment (In Press)
Knipfer T, Cuneo I, Brodersen C, McElrone A (2016) In-situ visualization of the dynamics in xylem embolism formation and removal in the absence of root pressure: A study on excised grapevine stems. Plant Physiology (In Press)
Sack L, Ball M, Brodersen C, Davis S, Des Marais D, Donovan L, Givnish T, Hacke U, Huxman T, Jansen S, et al. (2016) Plant hydraulics as a central hub integrating plant and ecosystem function: meeting report for “Emerging Frontiers in Plant Hydraulics” (Washington, DC, May 2015). Plant, Cell & Environment (In Press)
Brodersen C, Roddy A (2016) New Frontiers in the three-dimensional visualization of plant structure and function. American Journal of Botany (In Press, doi:10.3732/ajb.1500532)
Etxeberria E, Gonzalez P, Borges A, Brodersen C. (2015) The use of laser light to enhance the uptake of foliar-applied substances into citrus (Citrus sinensis) leaves. Applications in Plant Science (In Press, doi: 10.3732/aaps.1500106)
Hochberg U, Albuqueerque C, Rachmilevitch S, Cochard H, David-Schwartz R, Brodersen C, McElrone A, Windt C. (2015) Grapevine petioles are more sensitive to drought induced embolism than stems: evidence from in vivo MRI and microCT observations of hydraulic vulnerability segmentation. Plant, Cell & Environment (In Press)
Brodersen C (2015) Finding support for theoretical tradeoffs in xylem structure and function. New Phytologist (In Press, doi:10.1111/nph.13763)
Brodersen C, Rico C, Guenni O, Pittermann J. (2015) Embolism spread in the primary xylem of Polystichum munitum: implications for water transport during seasonal drought. Plant, Cell & Environment (Accepted).
Earles J, Sperling O, Silva L, McElrone A, Brodersen C, North M, Zwieniecki M. (2015) Bark water uptake promotes localized hydraulic recovery in coastal redwood crown. Plant, Cell & Environment (In Press).
Exteberria E, Gonzalez P, Brodersen C (2015) Evidence for alternative pathways of CLas movement in citrus trees. Journal of the Florida State Horticultural Society (In press).
Knipfer T, Brodersen C, Zedan A, Kluepfel D, McElrone A (2015) Patterns of drought-induced embolism formation and spread in living walnut saplings visualized using x-ray microtomography. Tree Physiology (In Press)
Pittermann J, Watkins E, Cary K, Schuettpelz E, Brodersen C, Smith A, Baer A (2015) The Structure and Function of Xylem in Seed-Free Vascular Plants: An Evolutionary Perspective. Springer (In Press).
Torres-Ruiz, J.M., S. Jansen, B. Choat, A. J. McElrone, H. Cochard, T.J. Brodribb, E. Badel, R. Burlett, P.S. Bouche, C.R. Brodersen, S. Li, H. Morris, and S. Delzon. (2015) Direct X-Ray Microtomography Observation Confirms the Induction of Embolism upon Xylem Cutting under Tension. Plant Physiology 167.1: 40-43.
Choat B, Brodersen C, McElrone A (2015) Synchrotron x-ray microtomography of xylem embolism in Sequoia sempervirens saplings during cycles of drought and recovery. New Phytologist 205.3: 1095-1105.
Knipfer T, Eustis A, Brodersen C, Walker A, McElrone A (2015) Grapevine species from varied native habitats exhibit differences in embolism formation/repair associated with leaf gas exchange and root pressure. Plant, Cell & Environment (In press).
Brodersen C, Choat B, Jansen S, *Rico C, & Pittermann J (2014) Cavitation resistance in seedless vascular plants: the structure and function of interconduit pit membranes. Plant Physiology 165: 895-904.
Brodersen C, Narciso C, Reed M, & Etxeberria E (2014) Phloem production in Huanglongbing-affected citrus trees. HortScience 49(1): 59-64.
Johnson D, Brodersen C, Reed M, Domec J-C, & Jackson R (2014) Contrasting hydraulic architecture and function in deep and shallow roots of tree species from a semi-arid habitat. Annals of Botany 113: 617-627.
Brodersen C (2013) Visualizing wood anatomy in three dimensions with high-resolution X-ray micro-tomography (µCT) — a review. IAWA Journal 34(4): 408-424.
Pittermann J, Brodersen C, & Watkins J (2013) The physiological resilience of fern sporophytes and gametophytes: advances in water relations offer new insights into an old lineage. Frontiers In Plant Science 5: 285. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00285
Lee E, Matthews M, McElrone A, Phillips R, Shackel K, & Brodersen C (2013) Analysis of HRCT-derived xylem network reveals reverse flow in some vessels. Journal of Theoretical Biology 333: 146-155.
McElrone A, Choat B, Gambetta G, & Brodersen C (2013) Water uptake and transport in vascular plants. Nature Education Knowledge 4(5): 6.
Brodersen C & McElrone A (2013) Maintenance of xylem network transport capacity: a review of embolism repair in vascular plants. Frontiers In Plant Science 4: 108. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00108
Brodersen C (2013) Visualizing water transport in roots: advanced imaging tools for an expanding field. Plant and Soil 366: 29-32.
McElrone A, Choat B, Parkinson D, MacDowell A, & Brodersen C (2013) Utilization of high resolution computed tomography to visualize the three dimensional structure and function of plant vasculature. Journal of Visualized Experiments. (74) e50162, doi:10.3791/50162
Brodersen C, Lee E, Choat B, Shackel K, McElrone A, & Matthews A (2013) In vivo visualizations of drought-induced embolism spread in Vitis vinifera. Plant Physiology 161: 1820-1829.
Brodersen C, Choat B, Chatelet D, Shackel K, Matthews M, & McElrone A. (2013) Xylem vessel relays contribute to radial connectivity in grapevine stems (Vitis viniferaand V. arizonica). American Journal of Botany 100: 314-321.
Brodersen C, *Roark L & Pittermann J. (2012) The physiological implications of primary xylem organization in two ferns. Plant, Cell & Environment. 35: 1898-1911.
MacDowell A, Parkinson D, Haboub A, Schaible E, Nasiatka J, Yee C, Jameson J, Ajo-Franklin J, Brodersen C, & McElrone A. (2012) X-Ray micro-tomography at the Advanced Light Source. SPIE8506, Developments in X-Ray Tomography VIII, 8506 (October 17, 2012); doi: 10.117/12/290243.
McElrone A, Brodersen C, Alsina M, Drayton W, Matthews M, Shackel K, Wada H, Zufferey V, & Choat B (2012) Centrifuge technique consistently overestimates vulnerability to water-stress induced cavitation in grapevines as confirmed with high-resolution computed tomography. New Phytologist. 196(3): 661-665.
Brodersen C, Lee E, McElrone A, Choat B, Shackel K, Phillips R, & Matthews M. (2011) Automated analysis of three-dimensional xylem networks using high-resolution computed tomography. New Phytologist. 191: 1168-1179
Brodersen C, McElrone A, Choat B, Matthews, M, & Shackel K (2010) Dynamics of embolism repair in grapevine: in vivo visualizations using HRCT. Plant Physiology. 154: 1088-1095.
Gorton H, Brodersen C, Williams W, & Vogelmann T (2010) Measurement of the optical properties of leaves under diffuse light. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 86: 1076-1083.
Choat B, Drayton W, Brodersen C, Matthews M, Shackel K, Wada H, & McElrone A (2010) Measurement of vulnerability to water-stress induced cavitation in grapevine: a comparison of four techniques applied to a long-vesseled species. Plant, Cell & Environment. 33: 1502-1512.
Brodersen C & Vogelmann T (2010) Do changes in light direction affect absorption profiles? Functional Plant Biology. 37: 403-412.
Brodersen C, Lavergne S, & Molofsky J (2008) Genetic variation in photosynthetic characteristics among invasive and native populations of reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea). Biological Invasions. 10: 1317-1325.
Brodersen C, Vogelmann T, Williams W, & Gorton H (2008) A new paradigm in leaf-level photosynthesis: Direct and diffuse light are not equal. Plant, Cell & Environment. 31: 159-164.
Brodersen C & Vogelmann T (2007) Do epidermal lens cells facilitate the absorptance of diffuse light? American Journal of Botany. 94(7): 1061-1066.
Brodersen C, Germino M, & Smith W (2006) Photosynthesis during an episodic drought in Abies lasiocarpa and Picea engelmannii across an Alpine Treeline. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research. 38(1): 38-41.
Johnson D, Smith W, Vogelmann T, & Brodersen C (2005) Leaf architecture and direction of incident light influence mesophyll fluorescence profiles. American Journal of Botany. 92(9): 1425-1431.
Smith W, Brodersen C, Hancock T, & Johnson D (2004) Integrated plant temperature measurement using heat-sensitive paint and colour image analysis. Functional Ecology. 18: 148-153.